Friday 12 June 2015

LO2: Treatment

Personal Identity

I have been commissioned by The Workstation to create a photographic collection and promotional poster for an exhibition on the theme ‘identity’. Each collection is to contain five final pieces of original photographs. For this unit I will take ten photographs using a range of photography techniques, manipulate them to create my final five pieces based on the theme.
My final idea follows the basis of personal identification. Most of the time you identify someone by the way they look, as we are all different. Another way of personal identification is the fingerprint. Our fingerprints are all different so it is very easy to identify specific people based on this.
Using this knowledge I thought about merging these two together. A person’s face distinguishes them from another person so I thought maybe add the thumbprint to their face. The brief states that I have to create 5 final piece photographs. This meant I had to create 5 photographs that are different and also follow a theme. I decided that I would show people doing different activities that define them as a person as this is another way of identifying someone.
Photograph 1 – This would be a photograph of someone sat in front of the TV. I would use a wide angle or fish eye lens.  I would then place the model to the side or focal points of the photograph and show the rest of the lounge/living room.

Photograph 2 – This photograph would show someone playing a sport. They will be in the process of doing an action associated with the sport. I will then use a slow shutter speed to allow for a motion blur in the background but still have the model focused.

Photograph 3 – This would be a portrait photograph of an elderly person. They will be sat against a white background with zero expression shown on their face. The shot type will be a medium close-up.

Photograph 4 – This will be a landscape photograph with a model centred and they arms raised in the air. They will be looking directly at the camera with the landscape in the back. For this to be achieved I will need to use a smaller aperture so I have a deeper depth of field.

Photograph 5 – This would be a photograph containing the eye of a model. The eye will then contain the thumbprint of the person. To achieve this I will need to use a Macro lens and a good light source as photographs like this can be very dark. 


Jane is a 21 year old, British, female, Art student. She enjoys going to galleries and museums to look at quirky and famous art and photography. She particularly likes the photographer’s Beatriz AG and KatB photography.

Jane would fit under the C1 category as she come from a middle class family but is not in managerial position.


Planning                         17th April 2015

Taking Photographs      11th May 2015

Editing photographs      18th May 2015

Launch date                   12th June 2015


I need the camera to take the actual photographs. I will then need a standard kit lens, portraiture lens, macro lens and a fish eye lens. I will always need these, as it will allow me to get a certain look to individual photographs. Another piece of equipment I will need is a tripod, as it will allow me to keep the camera steady when taking my photographs. I will need a computer with Adobe Photoshop installed to edit the photos later in the production.


My models will be Dennis Bennett, Finley Mercer, Jonathan Sanders, Stephen Pennington and Joe Flanagan.

The only props I will be using are A computer mouse, keyboard and monitor for my ‘Hacker’ photograph. None of my other photographs require props.


I will have to gain permissions from models and for locations I take photographs of. I can take pictures of public areas but I will have to ask for permission if the land is private. I should always check whether the land is public or private. If I am unsure whether a location is public or private I will either look for signs stating so or ask an authoritative figure at the location. 

A recce sheet is a form I will have to fill out on all the locations I go to, to make sure my models, the people around me and I are safe in that location. We use them if anything goes wrong and to make sure the location is safe so no one is injured. 

A risk assessment is a form I will have to fill out for all the locations I go to, to make sure my models, the people around me and I are safe in that location. I will list the dangers each location could make us face and how likely the danger will be. It also states the actions that will need to be taken if a problem does arise. 

Copyright (©)

The exclusive legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to use the intellectual property they have created. It means people have to gain permission from the originator to use it.
It is important when taking photographs that I don't take pictures of anything that is copyright protected like literature, logos and film posters. This is Copyright Infringement. If I do take pictures of these things I will have to pay a large sum of money to the owner of the copyrighted item. To avoid this I will need to get permission from the originator. 

Permission and Release Forms 

To avoid getting people in our picture we can either make sure we frame and focus on a specific item and not include people in the background. Another way to avoid this we can make sure we go to location at a certain time of day to reduce the amount of people that may be likely to feature in the photograph. 

I will have to gain permissions from models and for locations I take photographs of. I can take pictures of public areas but I will have to ask for permission if the land is private. I should always check whether the land is public or private. If I am unsure whether a location is public or private I will either look for signs stating so or ask an authoritative figure at the location.

I will avoid taking photos in public using a telephoto lens, as I will get in to trouble. I should also avoid taking pictures of families and children. I should always check who is in the photograph. 

Legal and Ethical


The reasons why we have to think out representation are:

1. You don't want to stereotype somebody based on the way they look and dress, because it can show someone in a negative way and could easily be an opposite type of persona.

2. You have to be especially careful when it comes to discriminating race, religion, disability, age and class.

3. If you are using a model you have to make sure the model is happy with the photograph and happy with what it is being use for. 


As a back-up idea I will show the identity of sports. This will incorporate sportmen and women with equipment associated with the sport or actions associated with the sports.

Friday 5 June 2015

LO2: Call Sheets

The equipment I used was a Canon 650 D with a standard kit lens. This photograph will be taken indoors so weather will not affect the taking of this photograph. If the model is unavailable we will reschedule for the 14th May or 16th May.

The equipment I used was a Canon 650 D with a fish eye lens and tripod. If the weather is raining or my model is unavailable we will go on the 16th May when the weather is a lot better and the model is free.

The equipment I used was a Canon 650 D with a standard kit lens. This photograph will be taken indoors so weather will not affect the taking of this photograph. If the model is unavailable we will reschedule for the 14th May or 15th May.

The equipment I used was a Canon 650 D with a standard kit lens. This photograph will be taken indoors so weather will not affect the taking of this photograph. If the model is unavailable we will reschedule for the 14th May or 15th May.

LO2: Risk Assessments

LO2: Sketches

LO2: Consent Forms