Monday 20 April 2015

LO2: Pitch Peer Feedback

What do you like about my idea? Please explain why?

What do you dislike about my idea? Please explain why?

How could I improve my idea?

Using the results from the survey the strengths my idea has are the originality and how it fits into identity very well.
The people who filled out the survey feel it will be very hard to get the thumbprints off people and taking photographs of them. Another problem they have is that my ideas may not be varied enough.
Next Steps
To improve my idea I need to be sure of the photographic techniques I will use and also vary the different photographs in some way. I need to speak to Ms. O'Connor and see how I will get a thumbprint.

Friday 17 April 2015

LO2: Link to questionnaire for my photography pitch

This is a link to the questionnaire members of my class will be filling out. It is for the pitch I will be giving based on my idea for the photography unit.