Friday 1 May 2015

LO2 - Recce for Millhouses Park

Recce Sheet


Personal Identity                                               Date of recce: 1/05/2015

Location: Millhouses Park

Present: James Bennett, Ross Walcott


Local Condition:
• Any known problems
If yes, please detail (including source of information)
No þ    Yes
• Aid needed
If yes, please detail name, address and contact numbers for each person/organization
• Permission needed
• Protective clothing needed
If yes, please detail
No     Yes þ
No þ     Yes
No þ     Yes
If there are physical harm problems to any person involved I will have to call the emergency services.
This location is a public area so no permissions will be needed
There will be no need for protective clothing in this area
• Appropriate viewpoints isolated
• Any obstructions
• Easy to reach and safe
If no, please detail requirements
No     Yes þ
No þ     Yes
No     Yes þ
The viewpoints in this situation are controlled.
There are no obstructions in this area.
This area is easy to reach and safe to be in.
• Power available
If no, please detail alternative arrangements
• Lighting appropriate
If no, please detail alternative arrangements
No þ     Yes
No     Yes þ
This area is outside so there will be no power available
The lighting will be appropriate to take this photograph
Anticipated problems:
• Sound
If yes, please detail
• Picture
If yes please detail
• People
If yes, please detail
• Other
If yes, please detail
No þ     Yes
No þ     Yes
No þ     Yes
No þ     Yes
The are no problems that I can see happening at this location.
Other considerations (please provide details for each):
• Security considered
• Welfare considered (transport, food, First Aid etc.)
• Set dressing required
• Props required


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