Friday 27 March 2015

LO2: Copyright, Legal & Ethical, Permissions

Copyright (©)

The exclusive legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to use the intellectual property they have created. It means people have to gain permission from the originator to use it.

It is important when taking photographs that you don't take pictures of anything that is copyright protected like literature, logos and film posters.This is Copyright Infringement. If you do take pictures of these things you may have to pay a large sum of money to the owner of thee copyrighted item. To avoid this you will need to get permission from the originator.

Permission and Release Forms

To avoid getting people in our picture we can either make sure we frame and focus on a specific item and not include people in the background. Another way to avoid this we can make sure we go to  location at a certain time of day to reduce the amount of people that may be likely to feature in the photograph.

You will have to gain permissions from models and for locations you take photographs of. You can take pictures of public areas but you will have to ask for permission if the land is private. Always check whether the land is public or private. If you are unsure whether a location is public or private either look for signs stating so or ask an authoritative figure at the location.

Avoid taking photos in public using a telephoto lens as you will get in to trouble. You should also avoid taking pictures of families and children. Always check who is in the photograph. 

Legal and Ethical

The reasons why we have to think out representation are:

1. You don't want to stereotype somebody based on the way they look and dress, because it can show someone in a negative way and could easily be an opposite type of persona.

2. You have to be especially careful when it comes to discriminating race, religion, disability, age and class.

3. If you are using a model you have to make sure the model is happy with the photograph and happy with what it is being use for.

Creative Commons pictures I've used

Here is a screenshot of the website I used for a copyright free image of a thumbprint. As you can see i used flickr to search for a fingerprint. It then changed the search settings to creative commons. This meant only images that are copyright free are shown. I then chose the image in the top right (which I have circled) to use in 4 of my 5 final pieces. 

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Lenses LO1

Standard Kit Lens -> 18mm - 55mm
                              -> Canon EOS 650D

These two photos were taken using a standard kit lens

Portraiture Lens -> 50mm
                           -> Depth of Field

Macro Lens ->

Fisheye lens -> Wider field of vision

Telephoto -> 50mm+
                 -> Get closer to the action

Wide Angle Lens -> Short focal length (< 50mm)

Wide shots --> 18mm - 50mm (short focal length)

Telephoto --> 50mm+

Monday 23 March 2015

LO1: Heather Angel Photography

A: Photographic Category - Macro

B: Purpose
This sort of photograph will have been taken to either use for decoration in buildings or sold to nature magazines of articles.
C: Image Analysis

Heather Angel (2015) 'Macro' Available at: Accessed: 23/03/2015

This photo is a macro photograph of an insect. This will have been taken using a macro lens attached to the camera. The macro lens allows for the photograph to focus on the small details on the insect and the plant or flower it is sat on. The aperture will have been about f22 as the photo has very shallow depth of field. I know this because the foreground is in focus compared to the background which is completely out of focus. The photograph will have been taken with a shutter speed like 1/125, because the photographer probably wanted a lot of natural light. This photograph guides focus to the insect using the rule of thirds. The insect is centred within the focal points drawing the viewers eye to the insect and the detail the macro lens help show.

D: Meaning

This photograph contains the colours pink, yellow and green. These are all very natural colours and probably means the insect is on a flower of some sort.

LO2: Photography Ideas - Identity

1. Use a Macro lens to take pictures of peoples eyes. Then use a normal lens to take a portrait of the persons face. The portrait is then shown in the persons Iris.

2. My second Idea is to have pictures of people thumbs and then blend their face into the thumb or fingers.

3. Superheroes are always hiding their identity so maybe takes photographs of people and change them into certain superheroes based on their profession or something heroic they have done.

LO1: Matt Irwin Photography

A: Photographic Category - Portrait
Matt Irwin is a portrait photographer for fashion and advertising. He work has been in magazines for Vogue, Dazed and Confused, Rolling Stone and many fashion designers and retailers.

B: Purpose
Matt's work is used for magazines and advertisements around the world. This is due to him specialising in fashion and portraiture photography.

C: Image Analysis

Matt Irwin (2013) 'la-modella-mafia-cara-delevingne-x-style_comprint-springsummer-2013-photographed-by-matt-irwin-3' Available at: Accessed: 23/03/2015

This photograph is a portrait of a model. It is a medium close up as it shows parts of the upper body and the head. This photograph will have also have been taken in a studio with three point lighting. The shutter speed Matt will have used was probably 1/125 or above as the photograph is quite bright. A medium ISO of about 400-800 was probably used so the sensor was less sensitive to the bright surroundings. An aperture of f16 or f22 will have been used to reduce the amount of light entering the  lens and also to allow for more focus on the model by using a shallow depth of field.
D: Meaning
This photograph will have been taken for a fashion/beauty magazine this means certain guidelines will have had to be met. Things like certain pieces of clothing or features on the models face will have had to be shown. This photograph was used for a makeup advert in a magazine. This means Matt will have had to make sure the photograph was focused mainly on her facial features and not clothing. The fact that her hair covers the writing on her shirt proves that this is not an advert for that clothing brand and ask that the hat she is wearing is cut off in the top of the photograph.

Friday 20 March 2015

Photography Terms (LO1)

In todays lesson, we learned about different photography techniques

Wednesday 11 March 2015

David Chang - Doc/fest photographer presentation (LO1)

Today I will be in a presentation led by David Chang. He is a photographer based in Sheffield. He is one of two photographers for the doc/fest event with Jacqui Bellamy. He also takes pictures for weddings, bands/musicians, landscapes, and just about anything you can take a picture of.

1. What photography do you enjoy doing most?
2. Which are the hardest photographs to take?
3. Would you say your photographs are more luck or judgement?

Monday 9 March 2015

LO1: David Liittschwager Photography

A: Photographic Category - Nature
David Liittschwager is a freelance photographer. He takes photographs of animal's and the natural world.

B: Purpose

David contributes to National Geographic and other magazines. He also takes photographs for the books he writes like Skulls and X-Ray Ichthyology: The Structure of Fishes. He uses photographs to help inform and educate people about the things he talks about in his writing.

C: Image Analysis

David Liittschwager (2007) 'Luminous life' Available at: Accessed: 04/03/2015

This photo shows the path of fireflies in a forest. To get the streams of light in this photograph David will have changed the camera's shutter speed to slow. This keeps the shutter open for longer (1/30th) allowing more light in. The glow from the fireflies as they fly then creates these streams of light shown in the photograph. Although the photograph contains bright lights its still low key lighting. David probably used an aperture of f11 as there is a deep depth of field. 
This photograph is a landscape wide shot as it doesn't focus on a particular spot it shows a wide are in the forest. The ISO David used was probably between 400-1600 as the scene is quite dark and uses natural light.

D: Meaning

This photograph is clearly following the nature genre. It uses the greens and yellows of the forest to connote the natural elements. The slow shutter speed helps show the liveliness of the fireflies and the light show they produce when trying to attract a mate.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

LO1: Darren Heath Photography

A: Photographic Category - Sports Photography
Darren Heath is known for his Formula 1 racing photography but also takes many other photographs on his travels.

B: Purpose
Seeing as Darren is a widely known photographer there are a lot of mediums that use his work. These include magazines, newspapers, websites and just general art pieces.

C: Image Analysis

Darren Heath (2007) 'Lewis Hamilton Malaysia 2007' Available at: Accessed: 04/03/2015

The focus of this image is direct on the vehicle. The car is then surrounded by men working on the car very fast. This fast motion causing many parts of the photograph to blur. This will be because Darren used a slow shutter speed (1/60th). This photograph denotes a high angle so is clearly taken from above the Pit Lane. This means the photographer would have been on a balcony to take this photo. Darren would have used an optical zoom to adjust the framing and cropping of the image as he will have been quite high up and may not have the perfect scale for the photograph. Although the centre of this image focuses on the driver, the 4 focus points are aimed at the tyres of the car. This is where all the action is actually going on in the photograph. This photograph contains a lot of bright and dark areas making it hard for the photographer to choose the correct aperture. Seeing as Darren is using natural light it makes it hard to control what we can and cannot see. I would say Darren used f8 aperture to get a middle ground for lighting.

D: Meaning
Darren has used the motion blur of the mechanics to connote the fast pace nature of a pit stop. This is one of the small moments during a race where the car's are idle. It is also the part of the race that can determine the winners from the losers. If there is a single fault during the few seconds the car is pitting it can change the race. The fact that Darren has captured this fast paced and pivotal part of an F1 race in the way he has is brilliant. The way the photo is taken from aerial view makes sure each part of the process is shown. This allows the viewer to see every process that takes place.

LO1: Photography Talk - Question's for Duncan Phillpot

Duncan Phillpot is a local photographer from Sheffield.

Here are three questions I will be asking him:

What's your most famous photo?

Which is the photo your most proud of?

What inspires you to take the photos?

Monday 2 March 2015

Unit 31: Scenario

You have been commissioned by The Workstation to create a photographic collection and promotional poster for an exhibition on the the 'identity'. Each collection is to contain five final pieces of original photographs. For this unit you will take ten photographs using a range of photography techniques, manipulate them to create your final five pieces based on theme.

By completing this unit you will understand the use of professional photographs in media products. You will understand how to plan for a photographic shoot, an take and edit a range of photographs for a specific media product (promotional poster for the exhibition)