Monday 23 March 2015

LO1: Matt Irwin Photography

A: Photographic Category - Portrait
Matt Irwin is a portrait photographer for fashion and advertising. He work has been in magazines for Vogue, Dazed and Confused, Rolling Stone and many fashion designers and retailers.

B: Purpose
Matt's work is used for magazines and advertisements around the world. This is due to him specialising in fashion and portraiture photography.

C: Image Analysis

Matt Irwin (2013) 'la-modella-mafia-cara-delevingne-x-style_comprint-springsummer-2013-photographed-by-matt-irwin-3' Available at: Accessed: 23/03/2015

This photograph is a portrait of a model. It is a medium close up as it shows parts of the upper body and the head. This photograph will have also have been taken in a studio with three point lighting. The shutter speed Matt will have used was probably 1/125 or above as the photograph is quite bright. A medium ISO of about 400-800 was probably used so the sensor was less sensitive to the bright surroundings. An aperture of f16 or f22 will have been used to reduce the amount of light entering the  lens and also to allow for more focus on the model by using a shallow depth of field.
D: Meaning
This photograph will have been taken for a fashion/beauty magazine this means certain guidelines will have had to be met. Things like certain pieces of clothing or features on the models face will have had to be shown. This photograph was used for a makeup advert in a magazine. This means Matt will have had to make sure the photograph was focused mainly on her facial features and not clothing. The fact that her hair covers the writing on her shirt proves that this is not an advert for that clothing brand and ask that the hat she is wearing is cut off in the top of the photograph.

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