Friday 27 March 2015

LO2: Copyright, Legal & Ethical, Permissions

Copyright (©)

The exclusive legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to use the intellectual property they have created. It means people have to gain permission from the originator to use it.

It is important when taking photographs that you don't take pictures of anything that is copyright protected like literature, logos and film posters.This is Copyright Infringement. If you do take pictures of these things you may have to pay a large sum of money to the owner of thee copyrighted item. To avoid this you will need to get permission from the originator.

Permission and Release Forms

To avoid getting people in our picture we can either make sure we frame and focus on a specific item and not include people in the background. Another way to avoid this we can make sure we go to  location at a certain time of day to reduce the amount of people that may be likely to feature in the photograph.

You will have to gain permissions from models and for locations you take photographs of. You can take pictures of public areas but you will have to ask for permission if the land is private. Always check whether the land is public or private. If you are unsure whether a location is public or private either look for signs stating so or ask an authoritative figure at the location.

Avoid taking photos in public using a telephoto lens as you will get in to trouble. You should also avoid taking pictures of families and children. Always check who is in the photograph. 

Legal and Ethical

The reasons why we have to think out representation are:

1. You don't want to stereotype somebody based on the way they look and dress, because it can show someone in a negative way and could easily be an opposite type of persona.

2. You have to be especially careful when it comes to discriminating race, religion, disability, age and class.

3. If you are using a model you have to make sure the model is happy with the photograph and happy with what it is being use for.

Creative Commons pictures I've used

Here is a screenshot of the website I used for a copyright free image of a thumbprint. As you can see i used flickr to search for a fingerprint. It then changed the search settings to creative commons. This meant only images that are copyright free are shown. I then chose the image in the top right (which I have circled) to use in 4 of my 5 final pieces. 

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