Monday 9 March 2015

LO1: David Liittschwager Photography

A: Photographic Category - Nature
David Liittschwager is a freelance photographer. He takes photographs of animal's and the natural world.

B: Purpose

David contributes to National Geographic and other magazines. He also takes photographs for the books he writes like Skulls and X-Ray Ichthyology: The Structure of Fishes. He uses photographs to help inform and educate people about the things he talks about in his writing.

C: Image Analysis

David Liittschwager (2007) 'Luminous life' Available at: Accessed: 04/03/2015

This photo shows the path of fireflies in a forest. To get the streams of light in this photograph David will have changed the camera's shutter speed to slow. This keeps the shutter open for longer (1/30th) allowing more light in. The glow from the fireflies as they fly then creates these streams of light shown in the photograph. Although the photograph contains bright lights its still low key lighting. David probably used an aperture of f11 as there is a deep depth of field. 
This photograph is a landscape wide shot as it doesn't focus on a particular spot it shows a wide are in the forest. The ISO David used was probably between 400-1600 as the scene is quite dark and uses natural light.

D: Meaning

This photograph is clearly following the nature genre. It uses the greens and yellows of the forest to connote the natural elements. The slow shutter speed helps show the liveliness of the fireflies and the light show they produce when trying to attract a mate.

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