Wednesday 4 March 2015

LO1: Darren Heath Photography

A: Photographic Category - Sports Photography
Darren Heath is known for his Formula 1 racing photography but also takes many other photographs on his travels.

B: Purpose
Seeing as Darren is a widely known photographer there are a lot of mediums that use his work. These include magazines, newspapers, websites and just general art pieces.

C: Image Analysis

Darren Heath (2007) 'Lewis Hamilton Malaysia 2007' Available at: Accessed: 04/03/2015

The focus of this image is direct on the vehicle. The car is then surrounded by men working on the car very fast. This fast motion causing many parts of the photograph to blur. This will be because Darren used a slow shutter speed (1/60th). This photograph denotes a high angle so is clearly taken from above the Pit Lane. This means the photographer would have been on a balcony to take this photo. Darren would have used an optical zoom to adjust the framing and cropping of the image as he will have been quite high up and may not have the perfect scale for the photograph. Although the centre of this image focuses on the driver, the 4 focus points are aimed at the tyres of the car. This is where all the action is actually going on in the photograph. This photograph contains a lot of bright and dark areas making it hard for the photographer to choose the correct aperture. Seeing as Darren is using natural light it makes it hard to control what we can and cannot see. I would say Darren used f8 aperture to get a middle ground for lighting.

D: Meaning
Darren has used the motion blur of the mechanics to connote the fast pace nature of a pit stop. This is one of the small moments during a race where the car's are idle. It is also the part of the race that can determine the winners from the losers. If there is a single fault during the few seconds the car is pitting it can change the race. The fact that Darren has captured this fast paced and pivotal part of an F1 race in the way he has is brilliant. The way the photo is taken from aerial view makes sure each part of the process is shown. This allows the viewer to see every process that takes place.

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