Monday 23 March 2015

LO1: Heather Angel Photography

A: Photographic Category - Macro

B: Purpose
This sort of photograph will have been taken to either use for decoration in buildings or sold to nature magazines of articles.
C: Image Analysis

Heather Angel (2015) 'Macro' Available at: Accessed: 23/03/2015

This photo is a macro photograph of an insect. This will have been taken using a macro lens attached to the camera. The macro lens allows for the photograph to focus on the small details on the insect and the plant or flower it is sat on. The aperture will have been about f22 as the photo has very shallow depth of field. I know this because the foreground is in focus compared to the background which is completely out of focus. The photograph will have been taken with a shutter speed like 1/125, because the photographer probably wanted a lot of natural light. This photograph guides focus to the insect using the rule of thirds. The insect is centred within the focal points drawing the viewers eye to the insect and the detail the macro lens help show.

D: Meaning

This photograph contains the colours pink, yellow and green. These are all very natural colours and probably means the insect is on a flower of some sort.

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